My grandparents, James and Ouida.

Some of you might not know that I have a personal blog that I update every single day, no matter what, that documents the one best thing that happens on each particular day. I started it at the beginning of the year, and so far I’ve not missed a day unless I was in the mountains without internet access and then I posted the next day. It’s been a sort of resolution, and a blessing more than anything. When you’re looking for the best thing every day, I find that you start trying to make good things happen all the time. It’s been a very good habit to form.
Anyway, as you know by now — all of my work is heavily inspired by the vintage, by the worn, by the nostalgic. Old photographs are some of my favorite inspiration, and a few days ago I blogged about discovering my grandmother’s old photo boxes. Inside I found the history of my daddy’s side of the family, and saw my grandparents as 20-year-olds first falling in love. If you like old photos and a good story, you might mosey on over to my blog and visit a while.