I’ve been eagerly awaiting the day when I could finally design this particular invitation. Hope has been my best friend since our 7th grade art class. That year we painted little ceramic tiles of our names, and later they were glued side by side into the backsplash of the classroom. Just like those tiles, we’ve been stuck like glue ever since. When she and Jonathan began quietly dating a few years ago, I had no clue I would someday be writing their names on such an important document! She wanted her invitation to reflect the fun, informal setting of their upcoming wedding with lots of bright colors and hand-drawn nature-inspired elements, with silhouettes of their likeness to add a touch of tradition.

The wedding will be a colorful and festive affair on the lawn of a beautiful 1900-era home, with floral print bridesmaid dresses and games on the lawn, and they’ll be serving corn dogs and candy apples from a carnival wagon while dance music from the 50s and 60s plays for the guests. I am just dying for June to arrive so I can see my sweetest friend become Mrs. Staples.