Hi folks! Yesterday was a banner day for Lucky Luxe—our sweet clients, Molly & Ken, were featured on Martha Stewart Weddings. It was the first time for me to see their smiling faces and I felt all mushy in my heart seeing their precious wedding photos.

Doesn’t Molly remind you of a young Demi Moore?
My favorite photo is of Ken, a big tough guy, getting emotional as Molly walked the aisle and he laid eyes on her for the first time that day. I have a thing for sentimental men because I’m married to one myself.
This, folks is what a wedding is really about—not the invitations or flowers or dress, love so overwhelming, you just HAVE to marry a person to satisfy your heart. I do love getting to work with people who are in the midst of that kind of love.
Back in February, there was a post on the brainstorming process for their save-the-dates, in which Molly envisioned a French flea market, art nouveau, home style wedding. For the invitations she gave me no constraints on color, and insisted that I use my intuition to determine the palette. Here are the fun results: